Positive Daydreaming

^z 9th July 2023 at 7:45am
"The key thing is learning that you can control your attention. Many people don’t appreciate that."

... quoting Prof Jonathan Schooler, from the 2022 NYT essay "In Defense of Daydreaming" by Melinda Wenner Moyer. Key takeaways:

  • Find the right time and place to get lost in thought — not when distracted or tired, but "... when you are doing something that doesn’t demand much mental attention"
  • Focus on positive, interesting and meaningful thoughts — don't daydream to plan out your day, but try "... focusing on a favorite memory, fantasizing about an event [one is] looking forward to or imagining a future accomplishment ... [perhaps] including those you care about in your daydreams"
  • To nurture creativity, focus on interesting ideas — try "mind wondering", musing about "... ideas presented in a book or article you’ve been reading"
  • If your mind goes to bad places, try mindfulness — avoid thinking about stressful or depressing personal problems, and instead "... pause and try to redirect your focus to the present moment. Think about your breath and the sensations you feel. Then, coax your daydreams in a more positive direction"

... and perhaps that's the secret: daydream actively, with energy and enthusiasm!

(cf Ultimate Freedom (2017-06-18), ...) - ^z - 2023-07-09